I want a man, who isn't afraid to show how he feels. A man who won't lie in the heat of the moment to get what he wants and in the long run can't keep up with the words he said and all my hopes and dreams shatter in just a split second! I want a man that would make me his one and only, no other girls matter, I'm all he sees, I'm all he wants, I'm all he could ever ask for and he doesn't make me know this by just telling me, I know it deep within my bones because his actions speak well enough.
I want a man that will understand me. A man that knows what make me tick! A man that knows those exact things that get me upset and wouldn't dare do them because he cannot bear to see even the slightest wrinkle in my forehead. I want a man whose smile is in mine, whose sadness is in mine.
This man doesn't pressure me to get physical with him. Not in the slightest way!! He listens when I talk. He holds me wen I'm hurt and knows just how to make me smile no matter where I am or what I am going through. He knows that when I scream at him and tell him to get away from me he won't go because he knows all I really need is on the other side of the door.
All he wants is my happiness and only then is he happy. I am his everything and he is my everything. And we couldn't be any more happier.
He wants the best for me. He is not jealous of my achievements. He is always there at every step of the way. Advicing me when its needed. He never makes me feel like I should be some place else. He never makes me have to tell him how lucky he is to have me among all the men. He knows this, he breathes this and he reminds me moment.
He is self-sufficient, he is independent. He is focused, he wants the best for me. I am his queen and he actually treats me as such! And I will always travel first class! I deserve nothing less! He is my protector! No one says bullshit about me and gets away with it! His friends know me. They also know he doesn't joke with me. He takes care of me when I'm ill. And he doesn't put his feelings above mine because he is secure, emotionally, mentally and financially. He can vouch for me wherever he goes. His trust for me is endearing. I wouldn't ever want to go against him. He knows what he wants in a woman! He isn't confused like lost sheep running helter-skelter. I am the woman of his dreams and he knows this won't last just for a while. He knows that if he goes away from this world and is asked to choose again, he wouldn't have to ask for any other woman. He has found home, his resting place.
I just want a man that won't break my heart.
I want.. I want..This man is an illusion, a distant dream, a fantasy. He doesn't exist and never will. :(
Straight from the heart. A woman unlucky in love...
You know I'm awesome, xoxo
You just described what every man SHOULD be.
I write a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it. I’m your newest follower.
Totally awesome love it
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