Sunday, February 23, 2014


Hello dear readers, how was your week? I'm here again to share with you a piece of my mind. This is an issue that we all face on a daily basis. Gold digger or na?

Every girl with good upbringing can testify to a time when depending on a guy was a taboo! That time when even when offered, we refuse gift items, money and so on from men cuz somehow, it just didn't feel right and our parent thought us not to collect things from strangers. Time went on and we got into the dating game and we extended this principle into our little relationships. Declaring passionately how "love" is not dependent on the material things and how a guy doesn't have to spend on you and how you don't want his money and some other load of, excuse my language BULLSHIT. Yes. You must certainly marvel at my choice of words but let's take a little tour. 
Fast-foward to 2-4 heartbreaks later (four if you're extremely slow and stupid) and we are here in our 20's and all talk about love is out.  Money talks and bullshit takes the bus. All we on about is respect, security, social status and so on. Along with that comes the self righteous comments of some individuals  about how we are materialistic and how "money isn't everything". But let's think about it? What really is important in this dating and relationship matter?

I personally think that at a certain stage most females especially in this society of ours is bound to have that "paul-on-the-way-to-damascus" moment. Yes that time when the fish scale drops from your eyes and you realize you've been a victim all your life. Now I don't support greed, neither do I support materialism. What I do support is giving yourself some value as a woman. Women should never think a man that has never spent a kobo on her would ever see value in her. Now don't get me wrong, there are a whole lot of other ways a man could value a woman but money plays a part in all of these. So am I a gold-digger cuz I want to give myself a little value? Absolutely not! One thing you gotta know, you set a standard on the way your man treats you by how much you make him spend on you from the onset and men see it as an investment. The bigger the stakes, the more they will strive to keep that investment. The stakes are yours to determine. So before you do anything, think twice before reaching for your wallet every now and then or nodding your head to every bullcrap story they throw at you. I keep telling girls, the ball is in your court.

Have you ever just looked around and wondered why different girls are treated differently by the same man. How he would shake at the request of one and just pretend like noone is talking for the other one? Yeah? Now our society of course has given different tags to such behaviour such as the girl having his "mumu-button" or used "jazz" or "cooked vegetable soup" and other expressions like that. But it's just a matter of smart and smarter. And there's one thing about men, it's how you let them see you that they would treat you and it's how you permit them to treat you from the onset is the same way it's gonna go through out your time together. That is what causes problems in long term relationships. I see some girls that were forming started from the bottom with their guys, month after month, year after year and then they look around them and see demands their girlfriends make of guys they just met 2hrs ago and how it works like magic and then try to mimick the same to their old guy and he looks at them like they speaking Greek lol. He literarily has the Kevin hart "waiting" face on and the girl wonders what she did wrong. You my friend did EVERYTHING wrong. You decided to settle for less and less is what you're gonna be stuck with. It's different though, if the guy does all he can within his financial boundaries to assist. So it's allowed to build up with your man though there is a 90percent risk factor that he's gonna find you a little bit too low maintenance for his taste when he finally starts making big bucks and go for a more "sophisticated" lady. (i'd explain later) 

You know, I used to wonder abt wealthy guys and married men who prefer a woman who is more financially demanding. I try to decipher how you would rather waste money on this girl who wipes out your credit card and in turn hurt the one that costs less to maintain and even leave her. Like, economically speaking, the one who costs less is more beneficial. What I did not realize then is that men love the challenge. The feeling of being needed, being a provider! It is their nature and they have primal need to be needed (now you understand the risk factor).

All my ladies, before you pull off the "miss independent" "I-don't -need -your -money", "do-it -yourself "attitude,(which by the way is good to have but best shoved up your ass when thinking long-term relationship)  fast-foward to 1year into the future and think about it. Are you ready to be the underdog among other girls that are not even as awesome as you are? Or would you suck it in and get it right from the start? And mind you any guy that is always reluctant to help you financially doesn't intend on keeping you around for long trust me. He sees no use making any investment on you. So run. And for those of you that have men itching to spend on you and you are busy giving talk to the hand smiley or feeling pity or guilt as to how much of his money you're spending, my sister, snap out of it! Pity them not! Let them feel your presence and feel that dent in their ocean of money caused solely by you so they can think twice before throwing it all away. Trust me no one would want to invest so much and get no returns. The bigger the investment, the bigger the returns. 

With all these being said I believe I have concrete points as to financial security being an important part of relationships, for those who wish to indulge of cuz, without being guilty of the gold-digger syndrome. I ain't no goldigger ain't just messing with no broke nigga that's gonna "f**k me over" in the end. You chose, GOLD-DIGGER or na?

Thanks for reading! Do send in your comments keep them flowing, guys wouldn't you agree and girls, you feeling me? Lol. You know I'm awesome. Xoxo


OSMSA said...

Lol. Yess. You are awesome. This post is definitely for me! I have truly been getting it wrong . 😢

vicxen said...

Wait.... Processing...,stil hard to digest.I Wil comment later,I promise.

fateemah said...

Yea ur realy awsome av alxo been getin it rng tanx dear

Honey ricci said...

Thanks fatima. Glad 2 be of help

Honey ricci said...


Honey ricci said...

:* thanks Baby

vanicoco said...

PREACH! High standards. I like the analogy behind this. Why settle for less? But yet, there are still some lazy ass females out there, who will ask for heaven n earth, why wont men see them as gold diggers? Im very independent but at the same time I let my man be the man. So hell yeah, the bigger the investments, the bigger the returns. Know your worth!

3lla said...

Exactly what ive been trying to say. Ladies should not loose their independence and at the same time they shouldnt allow the man in question to lax in his duties. When he knows what he had invested he wouldnt want to let u off in a jiffy especially if youre also adding value to him

Whytpearl said...

Coool darl....

Tsaint said...

Wow! Cool post......but I see ladies all in here, so I guez I wld rada jst seal my lips b4 I say sumtin nd get lynched....*grabs popcorn*

Anonymous said...

looooool..... interesting mindset...buh....toh... "love cares more for others than for self"(1 cor 13). I think I will spend my all for a lady who has such a mindset about love. I think its just insecurity that makes dem ladies be all materialistic n sh*t...every woman is a gift and PRICELESS...its only a foolish man that will not see this and even a dumber woman who will try to prove it to him...seriously...buh hey what do I know..... ;)

Unknown said...

Great post hun.U incredibly amazing ✌